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General Parenting Tips



Children are the most important people in a parent's life. Every parent would give up their world for the child and do anything possible that is needed. At times, it would seem that their love for their child would result in seemingly impossible things to happen. There are many different stages of a child's growth and development throughout his/her life.


Every single stage that the child goes through is important as it involves the building of his/her character and identity. As parents, it is their duty to watch over the child and ensure that he/she gets the best and learns the proper values and information.


Parents face different challenges at the different phases of their child's life. To help parents handle their children better, we have some parenting tips that we hope would be able to help parents out there manage their children in the best way possible.

Pre-school children


Children At The Age Of 5

Acquiring language skills, having high initiative, loving vigorous and noisy group games, having the need for approval and generating a sense of responsibility are characteristics of children of this age.

  • Plan time for conversation with your child. Encourage them to tell stories or share jokes with each other.

  • Recognise good work and reward them appropriately.

  • Organise games for their participation and do encourage them to join in group games.

  • Allow the child to participate in activities at home such as washing the dishes and setting the table.

Children At The Age Of 6

Having a short attention span, being highly active and restless, eager to learn, highly competitive and a strong gender affinity are common characteristics of children of this age.

  • Develop in your child an interest of things related to nature. Encourage him to admire and learn about nature.

  • Introduce lots of books, tapes, songs and educational videos to your child.

  • Allow time for outdoor activities and things that he is interested in.

  • Emphasize on the values of group effort, team spirit and in having a good time rather then winning.

Young children/teenagers


Building A Strong Foundation To Resist Negative Peer Pressure

To prevent teenagers from giving in to negative peer pressure, there are a few important things that have to be done. Instilling the right values from young would allow the child to be able to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. Building up your child's self esteem and having a trusting relationship with him/her would enable both parent and child to be closer. Training your child to make decisions and solve his own problems and to take responsibility and account for his/her actions is essential in character building. Creating opportunities and teaching your child how to handle friendships would help him widen his social circle and at the same time equip him with interaction skills. It is also important to help your child develop a sense of purpose in life so that he/she knows what he wants and would continue working to achieve it.

Solutions If Teenager Refuses To Heed Advice

Most of the time teenagers would not heed the advice of their parents during that phase of their lives. Parents can try to discuss with the teenager about the friends that they mix with, in a good manner. If the teenager agrees that he is under negative pressure and wished to do something about it, it is important to teach him/her decision-making skills and how to resist the pressure. If he disagrees that he is under negative peer pressure, continue to talk to him/her and ask him to share why he/she thinks they are not under negative peer pressure. If the teenager insists on having his own way, let him/her know the consequences and hold them accountable for their actions.

tuition centre




Helping Your Child Cope With Study Stress


It is important that parents should know their child's learning ability and style as each child differs in his/her learning ability and the limits of the child. Some children progress differently base on their learning styles. For example, some thrive on repetitive exercises while others do better in a creative learning environment.


Developing A Healthy Mind And Body

A healthy body is necessary to cope with stress. The child can achieve physical by exercising regularly as it is a good way to relieve tension. Exercise should be done during the examination period as it does not distract the child but helps him/her relieve stress.


Eating balanced and nutritious meals regularly is also an important factor in building up a strong and healthy body for the child. Breakfast should not be missed as it is the most important meal of the day.


Planning Studies Wisely

Where homework is concerned, parents should be more concerned with the quality then the quantity. A child tends to get bored if he/she does the same type of exercise repeatedly. Parents should pick the right type of assessment books based on the child's standard and the subjects that they are taking. Always encourage your child to complete his homework everyday and do not allow him/her to procrastinate.


Working Out A Timetable For Studies And Play

Work out a study timetable for your child where the revisions are properly spaced out and there is time for play and enjoyment. Planning a packed timetable will cause the child to loose interest in studying, as he/she do not see the reward for the hard work which is some play time.


Motivating The Child

Always give recognition to your child's efforts and improvements as it will motivate him/her. Encouragement to a child is very important as it keeps him/her on the right track. An essential part is acknowledging the strengths before the weakness as it will allow the child to be more receptive of the comments given by the parents on his/her weakness.


Handling Failure Positively

Failure is part and parcel of life, there is no one in this world who has never ever failed in his entire life. Speak to your child in a nice way and attend to his/her feelings by telling them that you understand that they are disappointed too. Emphasize that what is important is learning from the mistakes and not doing it again in future. Solve the problem together with the child after he/she has gotten over the disappointment.

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