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Our Past Events

National Day Celebration 2015

National Day Celebration 2015

Excursion to Farmart

Excursion to Farmart

National Day Celebration 2015

National Day Celebration 2015

Excursion to Discovery Centre

Excursion to Discovery Centre

Ben at work

Ben at work

Jesse and our library

Jesse and our library

Work, Play and Eat!

Work, Play and Eat!

Peeling an egg seems easy but making sure that it remains smooth is challenging!

Work, Play and Eat!

Work, Play and Eat!

Trying her best to peel a cooked potato off its skin

Creative Hands

Creative Hands

Learning how to draw using "One Point Perspective" technique

Creative Hands

Creative Hands

Drawing requires concentration and trains a child on his creativity and perserverance

Work, Play and Eat!

Work, Play and Eat!

Baking teacher demonstrating the steps of making curry puff before students get a hands-on

Pre-school Class

Pre-school Class

Look at how happy our students are!

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